onsdag 24 april 2024

The one with a good training week

 As a start I think a little recap of last week is in place. We had been on a family vacation up north for 10 days and somehow my half marathon in May felt so much closer on this side of the vacay. My training so far hasn't been very consistent, with a kid in daycare it seems we are more or less sick all the time. But I also have to get better to take the chance when it shows up, and just go for a run even if it isn’t the ideal time. A short run is better than no run, as we all know. 

On Wednesday evening such a window of opportunity opened when I got home from work and the little one needed a nap. So I put him in the running buggy and headed out. Managed just over 5k at a pace that made me very happy, so it felt pretty good. 

On Friday I felt like working from home, I don’t do that a lot since there’s always someone there, but my dad was visiting shortly so it felt nice to stay home and have breakfast together before he left. And also it was very easy to go for a lunch run, a lovely 7,5 km run to see if the spring flowers had come out yet. To put icing on the cake I also squeezed in a strength session when I got home, just because I could. I have a subscription for online training and they have tons of different workouts, running, strength, yoga, you name it. So I picked a 15-mins triset workout. After two pregnancies my body needs a lot more strength if I want to run long distances without too much pain, so strength is something I have to get better at. 

And combining running and strength training is a great way to save time, something I constantly feel like I have to do with two kids who want my attention. On Saturday I managed the ultimate combination. Because my husband had plans I brought both kids to parkrun. Normally parkrun is my me-time, often I’m the run director and I can’t have kids to take care of while managing the parkrun with all the responsibilities. But this week I was free to run so I wanted to do that. My running buggy is a single though, so since I couldn’t use that this time my plan was to take our regular double buggy and just walk the course as fast as I could. But if you have kids you know that making it out the door at the time you planned is quite a challenge so we ran very late. Instead of a nice walk to the start I had to load them in the car, drive there slightly faster than allowed, pack everything out, realizing there was almost no air in the tires, panic pumping a little and then rush to the start. I was a few minutes late so to catch up with the tail walker I decided to jog for a bit. The first 2 km of my parkrun is flat but it was very heavy to push the buggy. I’m very stubborn though so I took a few shorter walking breaks (are you tired mummy, asked Max 😂) but kept on jogging most of it. I caught the tailwalker at the 2 k mark, walked up the hill but then kept running on the flat sections, because I felt strong even if it was very heavy (25 kg kids, 15 kg buggy, bags and water). 

In the end I finished in 44:44 (according to my Garmin, my official time is 50-something because I was late), very happy with that, and I had 3,5 minutes to spare to the tailwalker. My legs were like spaghetti afterwards, and after carrying both kids in the babycarrier in the evening my right hip/leg gave up. I could barely walk, especially not while carrying anything. Not good considering my Sunday plans. 

But that will be a separate post or this would be way too long!

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